Algeria has something for everyone looking to explore somewhere different in 2024. The Sahara Desert dominates the south, while the northern regions offer a striking contrast that cannot be missed. Add the Tell Atlas and the Aurès Mountains, and you have a truly diverse part of the world waiting to be explored. 

Over several thousands of years, many cultures have touched and shaped this corner of North Africa. Berber, Arab, Ottoman, and French cultures have all intertwined and influenced one another in various ways. The result is a rich cultural melting pot with a unique story. 

Let’s look at the famous landmarks to visit in Algeria in 2024 so you can plan the trip you have always wanted. It’s time to dive right in…

1. Casbah of Algiers

Casbah of Algiers

The Casbah of Algiers came from the ruins of lcosium as far back as the 10th century. This unique city on a hill extended to the sea and was divided into two distinct sections. The “High City” and “Low City” had a unique culture and personalities, largely dictated by their position on the hill. It is widely believed that richer, more affluent citizens would compete to be higher up the hill as it was thought to be a clear indication of their standing in society. 

Fast-forward to the 16th century, and you’ll find the Casbah of Algiers now under the control of the Ottoman Empire. It became known as the Regency of Algiers and was a strategic point for trade and commerce. Ottoman palaces, which survive today, began to control the skyline in the higher parts of the city. These displays of traditional architecture are largely responsible for the city’s UNESCO World Heritage status. 

The importance of the settlement would extend deep into the 20th century when it would become a National Liberation Front stronghold. Supported by labyrinth streets and the vantage points offered by traditional flat-top roofs, it became a sanctuary for fighters fleeing attacks they had recently waged against French citizens. 

2. Tassili n’Ajjer

Tassili n'Ajjer

Tassili n’Ajjer National Park lies in the Sahara desert atop an extensive plateau in the southeast. The interplay between natural and manmade creations will strike anyone looking for landmarks in Algeria in 2024. 

The second UNESCO World Heritage site on our list of landmarks to visit, Tassili n’Ajjer National Park offers a wide variety of hiking trails suitable for walkers of all abilities. Many are well-marked on maps available from local sellers, while lesser-known yet highly traditional routes can be found when talking with local guides who work in the surrounding area. 

With more than 72,000 kmto explore, the park has long been a focal point for travelers and explorers. Chief highlights include a windswept sandstone plateau and a volcanic ridge of mountainous proportions. Look closer at the many caves and inlets nature has created, and you will see some of the oldest prehistoric rock art in the world. 

Over 15,000 cave drawings and rock engravings have been found to date. Many show images of the vibrant wildlife that once existed before the Sahara turned into a desert. 

3. Notre-Dame d’Afrique

Notre-Dame d'Afrique
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Next on our list of landmarks to visit in Algeria is the Notre Dame d’Afrique. Situated overlooking the Bay of Algiers, this classic example of a well-preserved Catholic basilica is the site where the Catholic devotion to Our Lady of Africa began. 

One of its most notable features is an arched entranceway leading into the basilica, which is topped by three geometric domes. Step inside, and you’ll find a curated collection of religious imagery, stone arches and columns, and intricate mosaic work typical of the period. 

Notre Dame d’Afrique is also adorned with stained glass windows and is viewed as a longstanding symbol of the importance of religious tolerance and acceptance. Given that the country’s majority population follows Islam, this viewpoint certainly has merit.  

4. Timgad

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Many refer to the ancient Roman city of Timgad as the “Pompeii of Africa.” It was founded as a military base in c. 100 AD. Nestled in the Aurès Mountains and founded by Emperor Trajan, it lies 22 miles east of Batna. 

Of particular note is the clear grid structure the city was laid out on, making it one of the best examples of Roman city planning still in existence today. The narrow grid pattern originates in the city serving as a military colony and outpost in ongoing disputes with the Berbers. Over time, it became a retirement home for Roman veterans who were too old to continue fighting and had never been to Rome. 

The street layout, prominent stone arches, and public buildings used for everything from bathing to public meetings are a testament to its integration into the wider empire. 

Sadly, much of this growth and prosperity would come to an abrupt end in the 5th century when it was repeatedly sacked by the Vandals and then later fell into a state of terminal decline. The Berber tribes would make further incursions during the latter half of the century. Sacking aside, it remains a must-visit landmark in Algeria in 2024. 

5. M’Zab Valley

M'Zab Valley
Source: Flickr

The M’Zab Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site that anyone exploring Algeria should visit in 2024. It’s a surviving example of the work and culture of the Ibadis, who created palm groves in an otherwise arid part of the country. Their unique methods for capturing and reusing rainwater allowed them to tame the landscape to such a degree that much of their architecture remains. 

The valley soon became populated by a growing number of citadels, which competed and cooperated with one another at various points in history. Each took the shape of an early form of fortified mosque that doubled as a fortress during times of war. The minaret announced the call to prayer and acted as a watchtower and lookout post. 

Citizens would reside in individual family buildings designed to offer privacy to the family unit, arranged in concentric circles centred on the mosque itself. It is believed this was done to promote a harmonious, community-spirited approach to living despite the restrictions of the fortifications. 

6. Djemila

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Our next offering is another UNESCO World Heritage site, offering well-preserved pillars, arches, and public spaces like the forum. Anyone wishing to explore Algeria’s landmarks this year will be pleased to know that Djemila offers a variety of traditional Roman mosaics. 

The village is smaller than many of the settlements we’re touching, but the views across the northern coast from its spot to the east of Algiers are worth the trip alone. The Constantinos and Petite Kabylie are situated nearby and provide a real confluence of architectural, cultural, and natural influences. 

Visiting Algeria to explore Roman ruins and cultural touchpoints is incomplete without a trip to Djemila. Experts cite it as one of the best examples of how Roman culture influenced the northern coast for centuries. 

7. Botanical Garden Hamma (Jardin d’Essai du Hamma)

Botanical Garden Hamma

Every city must offer visitors a green oasis to escape it all, and Algiers is no different. Add the Jardin d’Essai du Hamma to your list of landmarks to visit in Algeria this year, and you’ll connect with over 1,000 different plant species located along just 1.5 km of walkways. 

The garden is divided into 15 distinct areas, each offering a unique theme and telling a story. Notable among them are the arboretum of Araucaria, the royal palms section, and an aviary where parakeets take to the air. A closer look will introduce you to everything from dozens of species of cactus and fern to the iconic breadfruit tree. 

8. Beni Hammad Fort

Another UNESCO World Heritage site and another set of well-preserved ruins anyone exploring Algeria must visit await us at the Beni Hammad Fort. The site sits 1,000 meters above sea level on the southern expanse of Djebel Maâdid.

Experts have long known that the Beni Hammad Fort served as the founding city of the Hammadid dynasty as far back as the 11th century. It was where trading and commerce were executed daily, as well as large public meetings and gatherings in which local laws and customs were established. Terracotta figurines, minted coins, handmade jewellery and decorative fountains have all been unearthed by archaeologists in recent years. 

The fortifications amounted to 4 miles of walls that enclosed a variety of intricately arranged residential complexes. A mosque lies at the center, with a design widely thought to have been inspired by the Grand Mosque of Kairouan. The minaret stands 20 meters high, which may have allowed it to double as a watchtower in times of conflict. 

9. The Monument of Martyrs (Makam Echahid)

The Monument of Martyrs

Our suggestions for landmarks to visit in Algeria aren’t entirely made up of ancient structures and Roman fortifications, as our current entry will prove. The Makam Echahid is made entirely from concrete and commemorates the Algerian War of Independence from French colonialists. It was unveiled in 1982 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Algerian independence from French rule. 

The structure takes the form of three supporting palm leaves, which combine to shelter the Eternal Flame, which lies at the heart of the piece. The flame signifies the indefatigable will of the Algerian people and the struggles and sacrifices they have made over the course of their storied history. Standing before the monument allows you to take in its scale while looking across the city from every direction. 

10. El Kala National Park

El Kala National Park
Source: Wikimedia Commons

El Kala National Park is known for its high biodiversity thanks to its unique combination of a marine ecosystem, mountainous slopes, wetlands, forested areas, and several lakes. Lying in the Mediterranean basin, the park has a rich and varied combination of wildlife and plant life. Highlights that anyone exploring Algeria in 2024 should see include wild turtles, the Eurasian lynx, and charging wild boars.

The wetlands, in particular, offer something you may not expect to find in a part of North Africa known primarily for the Sahara. Wherever you look, wildlife and plant life will seem to coexist perfectly, as if they were simply made to do so. This is a must-visit site for your trip across Algeria this year. 

11. Ketchaoua Mosque

Ketchaoua Mosque
Source: Wikimedia Commons

As we get ever closer to rounding out our top 12, we find ourselves at the doors of the Ketchaoua Mosque in Algiers. It would be an understatement to say it is a site that has lived more than one life. Sat atop one of the Casbah’s many stairways, all of which are steep and striking, the mosque stands as a testament to the sophistication of pre-colonial Algiers to this day. 

Byzantine architecture fuses with distinctive Moorish influences, leaving an imposing structure that has to be seen in person to be fully appreciated. 

The mosque was completed by 1612 but would transform slightly over two centuries later. By 1845, it had become the  Cathedral of St Philippe — a direct result of French colonial rule — and would remain so until 1962. With independence achieved and the Algerian people free of minority Christian rule, the Cathedral of St. Philippe would become the Ketchaoua Mosque. Algiers would once more have a traditional focal point for the people. 

12. Ghardaia


Last but by no means least, we need to draw your attention to a unique corner of the M’Zab Valley. Ghardaia is a village whose story has been shaped and narrated by the rocky outcrops that pepper the region. The starting point came back in the 11th century when a settlement began to take shape around a cave inhabited by Daia—a saint of whom little knowledge remains today. 

The village mosque is situated at the top of the hill, visible from all parts of the village below. Labyrinthine alleyways crisscross the village and lead towards a large central market, once a site of bustling trade and commerce with everyone from farmers to tradesmen and artisans being amply represented. The unique way the flat-top architecture has been adapted to fit the rugged terrain is a sight everyone exploring Algeria should see. 

13. Tell Atlas Mountains

Tell Atlas Mountains

The Tell Atlas Mountains, a prominent landmark in Algeria, form a significant part of the larger Atlas Mountain range in North Africa. Stretching over 1,500 kilometres from the Moroccan border in the west to the Tunisian frontier in the east, this range acts as a natural barrier between the coastal plains of the Mediterranean Sea and the arid Sahara Desert. This geographical divide creates a variety of microclimates and ecosystems, supporting diverse flora and fauna that contribute to Algeria’s rich biodiversity.

The mountains serve as a stunning backdrop to Algeria’s northern cities and are of immense historical and cultural importance. They have been home to various civilizations over millennia, including the ancient Berbers, Romans, and Arab conquerors.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Tell Atlas is its seasonal African snowfall, a surprising feature in a country often associated with desert landscapes. During the winter months, the peaks of the Tell Atlas, particularly around the regions of Kabylie and Aures, are blanketed in snow, transforming the rugged terrain into a winter wonderland. This snowfall is crucial for local agriculture, as it replenishes the water sources that sustain the fertile plains and valleys below. Moreover, it offers unique recreational opportunities for residents and tourists, such as skiing and snowboarding, making the Tell Atlas a year-round destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.


Algeria has a story to tell and a journey to take. It’s a part of the world with a combination of rich cultural heritage and natural beauty that is hard to find in many other places. 

You will find everything from hiking and monuments to the human spirit to mosques, beautifully preserved Roman ruins, and fortified settlements. Add in the contrast between the coast, mountains, and wetlands — not to mention the fauna and flora that come with it — and there is plenty for even the most intrepid travellers. 

Planning your trip to Algeria in 2024 starts today, and we cannot wait to see which of our suggested landmarks to visit you take a look at first. 

Happy travels!